Buttons and Links



Blogger templates

hi, i was wondering where do i add the blogger button on to my blog's side bar? 

Posted by Nhi

Thanks for all!
My blog is really fantastic with the Blogger-templates layout!!!

And it's very easy to modify ;)
Thanks again :D

Great job men.

Hhm...tried that link back to you and it comes not out right on my blog site. Don't understand that.

this website, has been so helpful, and I love blogger, thank everyone who helped create it.

I tried all the templates of this blog. Its really wonderfull. Thanks a tonne!!
You are really doing fantastic job. I am thankful to you for your support.

I love your site. Its really wonderfull. Thanks a tonne!!
You are really doing fantastic job. I am thankful to you for your support.

Very ns , well done man

Hi, I made a small button for Blogger Templates. check this plz. hope you like it :)

Jin-Soo Suh very nice button!

you can change anything in the templates.
Good looking Buttons, very nice!

Thanks for the theme!!!!!!!


I think your are trying to change the favicon, which shows on the address bar. The default icon will show up because it is hoted on the "root" of the website with the name of "favicon.ico", If you publish your blogs on your servers using ftp then you can place your own favicon and that should do it.