This script is pretty COOL!! Thanks for your sharing. But I've found that there is a little bug. If I edit a comment who the comment writter's has an avatar image, the avater image will disapear after finishing comment edit.
Anonymous September 21, 2005 at 10:50 AM #| Delete
¡Justo lo que necesitaba! Ahora voy a tener que ponerme a corregir todas las faltas de ortografía en los comentarios que me dejan.
¡Gracias por tan excelente recurso!
Anonymous September 22, 2005 at 11:10 AM #| Delete
ke pedo
Anonymous September 24, 2005 at 11:19 PM #| Delete
Can't you give us the code
Anonymous September 26, 2005 at 12:02 AM #| Delete
Hey, that code is pretty nice. But it is shown on the blog even if I am not logged in. Is there anything to hide it from other people and show only for admin?
Muy buen truco, yo lo he implementado en mi blog. Solo es valido y visible por el administrador del blog. Teneis un tutorial en castellano en: espero que os sirva. Un saludo
It works great. Though I did find that after I hit edit comment, I was asked to sign in. When I did it asked me again and so I refreshed and it worked.
Two questions. I love your templates. 1. Your template does not show a list of contributors. How do I change this? I no longer have the ability to delete comments (moderator). Please help
hey dude nice work on the templates ur blog's been pretty helpful . however the html for ur templates r difficult to modify as its been divided into 2 parts neways checkout my template at : plz drop by and suggest ne modifications
I don't think this JS is not working on the new version of blogger. This was really a big help when editing my comments but not anymore beacause my blog is upgrated to new version.
I will appreciate it if you could update this hacks..thank you very much.
Merry Christmas may this holiday be a season of love, peace and happiness to you and all your family.
I have a HUGE problem with my blog! After I switched to new blogger my comments function completely stopped working.You cant post any comments. I need help to get the comments function working again.. please please help me. Go to my blog and try yourself, maybe you can figure it out? And btw - I'm a swed so dummie instructions are required!
if you know the reason for my probmel PLEASE send me a email..
If you are using Firefox and you have Greasemonkey installed you could use my user script to edit comments from the Blogger Dashboard.
It works good! Thank you!!!
Ehm, where is the code? :D
This script is pretty COOL!! Thanks for your sharing.
But I've found that there is a little bug. If I edit a comment who the comment writter's has an avatar image, the avater image will disapear after finishing comment edit.
¡Justo lo que necesitaba! Ahora voy a tener que ponerme a corregir todas las faltas de ortografía en los comentarios que me dejan.
¡Gracias por tan excelente recurso!
ke pedo
Can't you give us the code
good web
i don't know how to find ADMIN and PID in the code of my published blog. can you guys tell me how? thx! :)
Hey, that code is pretty nice. But it is shown on the blog even if I am not logged in. Is there anything to hide it from other people and show only for admin?
You are referring to Blogger Control Panel. Where do I find that? Are you using the right term here?
What do you mean by find admin and Pid?
it doesnt work for me... only the shortcut does.
hi.. help me please..
from when I put the K1 template
the problem is that now my blog is not commentable...
Can I put that form in my blog? Not the code... the form!
Muy buen truco, yo lo he implementado en mi blog. Solo es valido y visible por el administrador del blog. Teneis un tutorial en castellano en:
espero que os sirva. Un saludo
Super Great web !! Mais je comprend pas tout au moyen de faire marcher tous le code! mais jy arrive un peu !!!
it's a good idea !
Thanks for this hack - it worked brilliantly :-)
It works great. Though I did find that after I hit edit comment, I was asked to sign in. When I did it asked me again and so I refreshed and it worked.
Where exactly do I insert the code? I can't find "admin" not "pid"
Thanks very much, you helped me a lot!
Fabulous! Great!
Thanks alot!
nice, thanks :)
Wow, this works greatttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can i, using a template from this site, allow anonymous comments? help plz :P
Brilliant. Thanks guys
hay guyz
awesome work........ now i hope to create some fun wid dis thing :p
mines a devil mind >:)
It's Cool!!!
Este blog 'ta muy bueno... Thank's
Now how to change the author name and link on that form ?
Thanks a lot !
VERY NICE!!!!!!!
It's good function.
From now I post continuation of long posts in comments!!
cool... but some problem arise...
the blog shows a small "_" sign. when we point to that it then appears edit/delete comment caption. how do we delete that?
this is a brilliant little tool, you are the bomb!
Very good
Two questions. I love your templates. 1. Your template does not show a list of contributors. How do I change this? I no longer have the ability to delete comments (moderator). Please help
hey dude nice work on the templates
ur blog's been pretty helpful .
however the html for ur templates r difficult to modify as its been divided into 2 parts
neways checkout my template at :
plz drop by and suggest ne modifications
hey can any1 tell me how to remove the navbar in beta blogging...
mail that code to me if u can at
plz temme , i beg u 4 this...
I don't think this JS is not working on the new version of blogger. This was really a big help when editing my comments but not anymore beacause my blog is upgrated to new version.
I will appreciate it if you could update this hacks..thank you very much.
Merry Christmas may this holiday be a season of love, peace and happiness to you and all your family.
Can't seem to do it. I paste the shortcut and it directs me to log in, which I do. then it says it can't process my request.
Thank you very much, keep up the good work :)
My blog:
I have a HUGE problem with my blog! After I switched to new blogger my comments function completely stopped working.You cant post any comments. I need help to get the comments function working again.. please please help me. Go to my blog and try yourself, maybe you can figure it out? And btw - I'm a swed so dummie instructions are required!
if you know the reason for my probmel PLEASE send me a email..
It would rock so hard if you could update this hack to work with the new version of doesn't seem to work. I would be so grateful.
Any chance you will update this so that it works with the NEW blogger?
I've been using this with great success with the OLD blogger, but udated my blogs today and now I can't use this. :-(
Yes, pls! Pls update it so it can be used with the new blogger....
Feb 21, 2007
doi zece