Yes, This is a great template. I love your work. You can read my Blogger blog here and my Yahoo 360 Blog here. Does anyone want a Yahoo 360 Invite? Visit MY blog were you can contact me. Great work.
really cool template ...but i want to know if we can remove the scrollbar entirely, or whether we can add our own icons into it...? and can i post large pictures with this template?
Yes, you can swap out the icons, but you need to be hosting the site yourself. Basically, you need to create .png files, and size them the same as the existing files 128 x 128. If you can not create your own png files, do a google image search for .png, and you'll get loads. Personally, I liked the number of images, but my modifying the code, you can add any number of scolling images.
on another front...the mouseover at the top right corner...anyone know how to remove this? As I would like to have the archive and links feature down the left side column.
and i agree...this is a FANTASTIC template, just wnat to monkey a bit with it to make it truly customized....
hey, i'm trying to change the pictures that scroll, but i dont know how to. can you tell me how? or maybe just tell me the code that i can put in to input my own pictures to make it scroll and be transparent in the same way?
i can't find your image urls in the code... i'm confused... thanks if you can help.
hey! great template...!!! thanks....but i need some help...i cant put the date and time on my blog...and i have no idea how 2 add it...can u help me out?
This thing is an imponderable work of art. It's just amazing. I do not know how much effort went into making this one but the end product is just splendid. Thanks to you my blog has now acquired a wonderful look. Well they just did not say for the sake of it - "A thing of beauty is a joy forever". I'm just wondering whether now the template is immutable because I don't think I can find anything that can outclass this one :). Keep up the good work !
For everyone having problems posting comments: you MUST enable comments in the Blogger settings unless you are using a third-party comment site (like HaloScan). You MUST enable pop-up windows. You MUST allow anonymous comments. It's the only way comments will work.
Does anybody have any idea why the page might not upload to a personally hosted site? It works without a flaw on blogspot. If I have to I'll host it there I s'pose, but it would be better to have it on my site.
hi everyone. first of all; thanks for the hard work you are doing; I really enjoy using the codes you offer. second: I'm sorry to post my message as a comment on this post whilst it is not related to it, nor is it even a comment. I just spent a little time making my own javascript, and now that it finally works I thought someone else might be interested too? it's about the way you archives are displayed to visitors; I wanted something like:
2 july - 8 july
to be displayed when archiving weekly. unfortunately, the closest you get is something like 07/02/2005 - 07/08/2005, which isn't even the right order for my country and I guess for a large part of the world too. at least for europe it isn't. so, I replaced
var ar_openingtag = "<a href=\""+ar_link+"\" title=\"archief voor: "+ar_clean+"\">"; var ar_todisplay = "<li>" + ar_openingtag + ar_clean + "</a></li>";
return ar_todisplay;
// show me --> </script>
to finish things, I set the " Archive Index Date Format ", in Settings -> Formatting, to "07/10/2005 - 07/16/2005" (and of course, don't forget to change your archiving settings to weekly archives!). of course, you will have to edit the script to suit your needs (language, order of appearance, etc) but I think it was worth it =] . as is, it does the following:
if the archive was made in a previous year, you'll get: 3 july - 9 july 2004
if it was made from two different years you'd get: 30 december 2004 - 5 january 2005
otherwise it will return: 3 july - 9 july
well, that was about it... I know it's pretty much work for something this un-important, but since I ended up making it after all I thought that it wouldnt hurt no one at least showing it around. again; sorry for posting in the wrong place, I really couldn't find a better one :S
ps: I only decided to publish it afterwards, so it is completely dutch... sorry for that
Thanks for sharing the template Enjoy it so far. The problem is I stil can't find a free webhosting to store a page for my chosen pictures to change those icons. I have to store them somewhere right??
hmmmm nice theme but does any know how to put a counter in your blog? what about music? :D lol i know this sounds like "GET A FUCKING WEBSITE" but you know ;) saludos
I'm totally confused as to how to set up the source for each individual frame. Do you have to have it hosted somehow? I've customized the .png files and switched them for .jpeg, But I'm having problems with the overflow because I don't have the body in a seperate frame. I've had to put my side bar and post body inside thier own inline frames to make it even readable in IE. Can you help?
I just want the mouse over thing in the top right hand corner..... the black + and the menu... Anyone know how to get just that to put on my current blog? Please help! ((email me at
Awesome Template Man. For all who need the template with the regular blog comments enabled instead of the default ones that come with this template, email me and I will email you the template with blogger comments enabled. Can't post it here cuz the server won't allow me to post that code on here. My addy is
Amazing, at last I found a Blogger template that allows scrolling images. I replaced these with my own pictures of Pakistan, but for some reason the x thingy appears in the corner of each photo. Hope someone can help me fix this problem:
great template, but I need help
WHERE do I have to put "pop-up comments" and "everybody can post"??
Sorry, I do not understand, I need help
Thanks in advance
Yes, This is a great template. I love your work. You can read my Blogger blog here and my Yahoo 360 Blog here. Does anyone want a Yahoo 360 Invite? Visit MY blog were you can contact me. Great work.
really cool template ...but i want to know if we can remove the scrollbar entirely, or whether we can add our own icons into it...? and can i post large pictures with this template?
Your Templates are very good.
I used one of them on, and your tip about the comments too (to translate everything in french)
I even reactivated my Paypal account to use your paypal button ;)
Thank you very much,
André Le Deist (andre.ledeist _ at _
Yes, you can swap out the icons, but you need to be hosting the site yourself. Basically, you need to create .png files, and size them the same as the existing files 128 x 128. If you can not create your own png files, do a google image search for .png, and you'll get loads. Personally, I liked the number of images, but my modifying the code, you can add any number of scolling images.
on another front...the mouseover at the top right corner...anyone know how to remove this? As I would like to have the archive and links feature down the left side column.
and i agree...this is a FANTASTIC template, just wnat to monkey a bit with it to make it truly customized....
hey, i'm trying to change the pictures that scroll, but i dont know how to. can you tell me how? or maybe just tell me the code that i can put in to input my own pictures to make it scroll and be transparent in the same way?
i can't find your image urls in the code... i'm confused... thanks if you can help.
I'm using this template but I can't seem to post comments on my blog. Help?
Got the same problem... as aaron im using that template but i just cant post comments, i think nobody can. HEEELP!!!
Replace "onmouseover" by "onclick"
Tu s'rais pas un gros mytho toi ?
hey! great template...!!! thanks....but i need some help...i cant put the date and time on my blog...and i have no idea how 2 add it...can u help me out?
This thing is an imponderable work of art. It's just amazing. I do not know how much effort went into making this one but the end product is just splendid. Thanks to you my blog has now acquired a wonderful look. Well they just did not say for the sake of it - "A thing of beauty is a joy forever". I'm just wondering whether now the template is immutable because I don't think I can find anything that can outclass this one :). Keep up the good work !
For everyone having problems posting comments: you MUST enable comments in the Blogger settings unless you are using a third-party comment site (like HaloScan). You MUST enable pop-up windows. You MUST allow anonymous comments. It's the only way comments will work.
Does anybody have any idea why the page might not upload to a personally hosted site? It works without a flaw on blogspot. If I have to I'll host it there I s'pose, but it would be better to have it on my site.
Totally Adore This Template!
Placed it in my blog and i love it! Thanks! =)
gggreat template I'll be changing it 'course:P but giving the credit u deserve!!=}
^~v ** [[]]
Hey, I was wondering if you could make a three-column blog, that would ROCK!!
How can I add a side bar colum.?
My journal is
THank you.
Hello, i like the templete but how do i change the background color from white to sliver, or black..etc..
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
hi everyone. first of all; thanks for the hard work you are doing; I really enjoy using the codes you offer. second: I'm sorry to post my message as a comment on this post whilst it is not related to it, nor is it even a comment. I just spent a little time making my own javascript, and now that it finally works I thought someone else might be interested too? it's about the way you archives are displayed to visitors; I wanted something like:
2 july - 8 july
to be displayed when archiving weekly. unfortunately, the closest you get is something like 07/02/2005 - 07/08/2005, which isn't even the right order for my country and I guess for a large part of the world too. at least for europe it isn't. so, I replaced
<ul class="archive-list">
<li><a href="<$BlogArchiveURL$>"><$BlogArchiveName$></a></li>
with this:
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- hide me
document.write("<ul class=\"archive-list\">"); // necessary for validation
document.write("</ul>"); // necessary for validation
// show me -->
including this somewhere up higher (the <head> would be a good place ;] ) :
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- hide me
// for the archives:
function longMonth(num){
if(num==1){ month="januari"; }
else if(num==2){ month="februari"; }
else if(num==3){ month="maart"; }
else if(num==4){ month="april"; }
else if(num==5){ month="mei"; }
else if(num==6){ month="juni"; }
else if(num==7){ month="juli"; }
else if(num==8){ month="augustus"; }
else if(num==9){ month="september"; }
else if(num==10){ month="oktober"; }
else if(num==11){ month="november"; }
else if(num==12){ month="december"; }
return month;
var dt = new Date();
var year = dt.getYear();
if (year < 2000) { year = year + 1900; }
function showArchive(ar_raw,ar_link) {
// the year(s):
var ar_year1 = ar_raw.substring(6,10);
var ar_year2 = ar_raw.substring(19,23);
// the month(s):
var ar_month1 = ar_raw.substring(0,2);
if(ar_month1.substring(0,1)==0){ ar_month1=ar_month1.substring(1,2); }
ar_month1 = longMonth(ar_month1);
var ar_month2 = ar_raw.substring(13,15);
if(ar_month2.substring(0,1)==0){ ar_month2=ar_month2.substring(1,2); }
ar_month2 = longMonth(ar_month2);
// the days:
var ar_day1 = ar_raw.substring(3,5);
if(ar_day1.substring(0,1)==0){ ar_day1=ar_day1.substring(1,2); }
var ar_day2 = ar_raw.substring(16,18);
if(ar_day2.substring(0,1)==0){ ar_day2=ar_day2.substring(1,2); }
if(ar_year1!==ar_year2) {
ar_clean = ar_day1+" "+ar_month1+" "+ar_year1+" - "+ar_day2+" "+ar_month2+" "+ar_year2;
else if (ar_year1!=year) {
ar_clean = ar_day1+" "+ar_month1+" - "+ar_day2+" "+ar_month2+" "+ar_year1;
else {
ar_clean = ar_day1+" "+ar_month1+" - "+ar_day2+" "+ar_month2;
var ar_openingtag = "<a href=\""+ar_link+"\" title=\"archief voor: "+ar_clean+"\">";
var ar_todisplay = "<li>" + ar_openingtag + ar_clean + "</a></li>";
return ar_todisplay;
// show me -->
to finish things, I set the " Archive Index Date Format ", in Settings -> Formatting, to "07/10/2005 - 07/16/2005" (and of course, don't forget to change your archiving settings to weekly archives!). of course, you will have to edit the script to suit your needs (language, order of appearance, etc) but I think it was worth it =] . as is, it does the following:
if the archive was made in a previous year, you'll get:
3 july - 9 july 2004
if it was made from two different years you'd get:
30 december 2004 - 5 january 2005
otherwise it will return:
3 july - 9 july
well, that was about it... I know it's pretty much work for something this un-important, but since I ended up making it after all I thought that it wouldnt hurt no one at least showing it around. again; sorry for posting in the wrong place, I really couldn't find a better one :S
ps: I only decided to publish it afterwards, so it is completely dutch... sorry for that
thanks blogger this template is amazing realy easy to customise, check out my profile tell me what u think
Cheers mate.
Thanks for sharing the template
Enjoy it so far.
The problem is I stil can't find a free webhosting to store a page for my chosen pictures to change those icons.
I have to store them somewhere right??
hmmmm nice theme but does any know how to put a counter in your blog? what about music? :D
lol i know this sounds like "GET A FUCKING WEBSITE" but you know ;)
free image hosting at or
If you can find a counter module (fairly easy to do) you can just add it to the bottom of the sidebar like another module.
I tried to customze the images, i made my own frame with the scroller and images, but when I saw my blog, the original iframe still there
I'm totally confused as to how to set up the source for each individual frame. Do you have to have it hosted somehow? I've customized the .png files and switched them for .jpeg, But I'm having problems with the overflow because I don't have the body in a seperate frame. I've had to put my side bar and post body inside thier own inline frames to make it even readable in IE. Can you help?
I just want the mouse over thing in the top right hand corner..... the black + and the menu...
Anyone know how to get just that to put on my current blog?
Please help! ((email me at
The comments section does not work, I don't know if thats only on mine but it seems to be true for atleast me.
Awesome Template Man. For all who need the template with the regular blog comments enabled instead of the default ones that come with this template, email me and I will email you the template with blogger comments enabled. Can't post it here cuz the server won't allow me to post that code on here. My addy is
Amazing, at last I found a Blogger template that allows scrolling images. I replaced these with my own pictures of Pakistan, but for some reason the x thingy appears in the corner of each photo. Hope someone can help me fix this problem:
love this
how can I download it?
Day 1 19th December 2006
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 2 20th December 2006
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 9 27th December 2006
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 35 22nd January 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 40 27th January 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 59 15th February 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 103 31st March 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 113 10th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 116 13th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 117 14th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
This comment has been removed by the author.
Day 119 16th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 126 23th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 131 28th April 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 137 4th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 138 5th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 140 7th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 154 21st May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 157 24th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 161 28th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 162 29th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 162 29th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 163 30th May 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 168 4th June 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 171 7th June 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 175 11th June 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 180 16th June 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(
Day 185 21st June 2007
The code is missing. Please put it up asap :(