Pictobrowser, embed a Flickr Slideshow

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Great stuff.I like it!

Its not recognising my flickr username

Hello, i just wanne make the width of the window "910". But when i change the number of variable "width" with 910, my photo become very small. can you help me to solve this problem? design.

Ok.. a flickr contact pointed out this blog to me, told me a lot of my photos were being used to demonstrate this pictobrowser thing.
If you're going to use my images in this way, you MUST link back to my photostream.
the way it is now, this strikes me as a pretty clear copyright violation.
Also, it would have been nice to ask me first.


in case nothing is going to be done about my request, here is a link to my stuff:
rebekka's flickr page

Hi Rebekka,

Every single image posted on PictoBrowser contains a link back to the original image webpage on Flickr.



very very awesome - question...

is there an auto-run feature to allow the photos to continually play the show? It would be great (if there was a play function) to allow for custom transitions like disolve to black and then from or between each image.

great job and please let us know if this can or might eventually be done using this.

I cannot get it to work correctly. All of my images show up but I can only enlarge only half.
my blog is
please help


hmmm . . . very cool slide show, but it does not seem to show up on my blog. I put all the HTML in but it just doesn't show up . . .help?

I'm with Joel.

I'm trying to put it on my site.., but I don't know how to put it on there. I'd like it to be where the images already are. Thanks for any help. I'll be scouring the web for assisitance.

Fantastic! cheers!

Thanks! it works!

wow thanks makes posting pics SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier

I like it very c lean and unobstrusive you should make on for large size pics, but that would involve slow oic lag?

any hoo, thanks my kind friends!

Looks great! unfortunately I can't get it to work on my blog either where exactly do you paste it in?

Wow very impressive! I love it, thanks for sharing!

it looks very cool but its not finding my username if someone could help my flickr link is

please help!

I Looooooooooove your pictures.


What if one doesn't want to show not some but all of their pictures on their slideshow?

As of now, from where I can understand, it only allows for the pictures to be selected on tags, sets etc.

just noticed you linked to a post of mine...FYI that post disappeared, there is a new one here:

Great work!!!

An excellent way to combine blogging and photography, thanks for this.

One question though. The design seems to have changed in the last few days and is not so nice as it was before. The Pictobrowser inserts on my blog seem to have updated automatically to the new design, is there any way I can switch back to the original design?

@diego: someone just linked me to this yet again, and i can't help but notice that no, none of the images link back to my original images, when you click on one, it just moves on to the next. Nowhere does it say "these photos taken from Flickr page of Rebekka Guðleifsdóttir" , and nowhere does it link back.
I'm still very annoyed about this.

@rebekka - it indeed does link back! Say for example someone is seein ur "sploosh" fotograf... now if u hover ur mouse over the "link" button at the bottom right of the page, you can see ur flickr link opening up!!! clik on that, and it vil take u directly to ur "sploosh" page in flickr... :o) ... but if u clik on the foto, it vil take u to the next one, as u said ... hope this helps...

you r the best!!

is this broken? I have it on my blogger, and time to time it shows nothing...

flickr is up right now too.

Great Work....
I have used it here..

Is there any way to remove the link back to your main flikr gallery? Flash is an excellent way to curb image theft - but that is sort of defeated by the direct link back to the flikr gallery.


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lol @ Rebekka.

What a child.

There goes my respect for her and her professionalism.


with all due respect to your lack of respect..
Rebekka has every right to ask for what she is due.
Just in case you don't know, someone doing something just like what's happening here, made thousands of pounds using her photos.

So if you want to talk about professionalism, this is not the place or the time.



My photos and my sets are public. I tried to fix the problem by checking/unchecking the needed boxes in Flickr profile settings, but I'm still getting it. Any ideas?



Thanks for sharing this tool!
BTW, I have the same question Mike posted, that is to say:

"is there an auto-run feature to allow the photos to continually play the show?"

Does anybody know if it is possible or not?

Thanks a milion!

Brilliant site! Thank you soo much :)

Here's a link to my slideshow:

Hello all,

As a fellow artist, I want to second Rebekka's request that she be asked before her photos are publicly reposted. Creative work takes tremendous effort, is entirely unique and is easily susceptible to plagiarism or theft.

Blogger, many artists use your blogs to publish their work. I'm genuinely surprised that you would repost a visual artist's work without ever even asking their permission. It's sloppy and not at all professional.

Best to all,

@ rebecca

I first found your photos from this site, and I liked them.

But because of your sour attitude I probably will never visit your flickr blog again. I often respect photographers much more for their attitude about their photos than their photos themselves.

Each photo links back to you...I don't see your problem.


help.only one photo appears. the first photo of my set..

take a look in here

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where is the html or xml or wtever for this slideshow?

Hi Every Body Try This ** Google Pics ** New 2008

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You can generate the flickr embed code at: or

Works brilliantly for me, thank you Diego, absolutely fantastic work!

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How can we download it and install it on our blog...

I love this embed tool and have used it many times but today it's not working anymore, I can't click to walk through the steps to create a slideshow. Is there any way to fix it? Thank you!

love the generator, and I've been using it for months, but now it seems to be gone, or not working?


Flash 10 ?

very nice

i dont see a thing here is the widget ???