Please correct the error below, and submit your template again. Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
Hola que tal, soy uno de los administradores de aborregate, debo informarte que tienes que introducir los links a aborregate en el pie de página respectivos, ya que ese es el precio por haber pasado a blogger la blogger, esperamos puedas arreglarlo, si no tendremos que hacer publico este caso.
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again. Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
I loved the way this template looked in the thumbnail, but it didn't come out looking like that on my page. The pretty header pic is not there, it seems to be off balance - the titles of my posts are over laping the date/day. It doesn't look as nice as it does in the thumbnail.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
Le pido de favor que coloque el link debajo de la plantilla para la persona que adapto la plantilla ABORREGATe en este caso, gracias.
found this error:
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
Cool Template!!
Blogger Templates,Widgets and Hacks
Hola que tal, soy uno de los administradores de aborregate, debo informarte que tienes que introducir los links a aborregate en el pie de página respectivos, ya que ese es el precio por haber pasado a blogger la blogger, esperamos puedas arreglarlo, si no tendremos que hacer publico este caso.
hi! just saw that the header wasn't showing up anymore. Is there any reason for this? Hope we can re-establish the link.
I don't see the header as well... does it mean that I have to replace the whole template now? I love this theme! Please fix it =(
the header is gone! i love this template, please fix it asap! thanks.
I found this theme at a different place and it has the header! Here:
This comment has been removed by the author.
10 Blogging Secrets You Must Know
I hope this helps.
really gr8
great theme! but i get an error message! how can i fix that?
Everytime I plug this into my blog, it turns into a mess. You should take this down.
Hi Every Body Try This ** Google Pics ** New 2008
Hi Every Body Try This ** Google Pics ** New 2008
Get your unique templates at
Have a nice day :)
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
ii love the darkspark template. iwill have to tell my wife about this site. Great blog guys.
Cyber Monday
Вахх Красота.
ii love the darkspark template. iwill have to tell my wife about this site. Great blog guys.
Templates are really very cool but if these templates have the flash and look like the flash web site than that are really different.
I really like this one, thanks so much
I loved the way this template looked in the thumbnail, but it didn't come out looking like that on my page. The pretty header pic is not there, it seems to be off balance - the titles of my posts are over laping the date/day. It doesn't look as nice as it does in the thumbnail.
How can I fix this?
thank mans.. vert good templates
Really It's nice Templates. Thanks for freely giving this...
I have also used it....
Check it on
the header is gone! i love this template, please fix it asap! thanks.
good template,
good template and thanks :)
nice dark templates
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
Very calm color. I love it.
free bloggger template...
hi darkspark......looking great
Why dont u check out mine
its very googd template
that's really good ;)
I do like the template with this, but why do I can not upload on my blogg
I like this template, very cool
I like this theme
Not working for me, any help plz?
I don't have new them,error...
please help me..
nice one, ambil ga ya :D