I wish that the BG Image would continue down the page! Other then that it is a great template! I was looking for something fun, colorful, and crazy! & This template has it all!
hi, i have used this template for my blog. it's quite different from 'conventional' blogspot template. its more modern, colourful but still looks elegant and catchy..
hi guys... i need some help.. when i copy n paste the code..the error come out like this..
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section
Those with issues: Be sure that you're deleting the open text at the end (the text with no < or > marks. Then you should be fine! I don't think I'll use this one because the image doesn't run down the page and I'd have to re-do my widgets. Other than that, it's a beautiful template! Kudos to whoever designed it =]
This is really nice but I miss that you cant see the dates of the posts? Only the time but no dates.. Im changing template because of that. Real pitty.
How do i download it? I want to use it on Blogger, s do i copy and paste the text into a txt file and uload that to blogger? Becasue I've tried that and I get an error message. I've also tried looking for open text at the end but i can;t find any.
I really like the look of this, but when I paste it into my 'edit html' box red text comes up and says
"We were unable to save your template Please correct the error below and submit your template again. Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section."
do you know how I can fix this? And thankyou for posting these, they're awesome :P
woy tolongin gw dunk.... BUJUK dah susah amat nampilinnya. Tolong infonya di kirimin via Email di el-azh4m8.4903nx@ymail.com. tks b 4. Trus pake bahasa Indonesia ya... jangan pake bahasa Inggris.. udah mabok tambah mabok gw
hi, i use this blog for quite sometimes now and kinda like it coz its very different from my friends blogs..very nice, elegant and catchy. only one issue here is that - no date for our articles except for time.
What a great post! Do you like Silver Jewelry? I mean TiffanyXD. The answer is surely yes if u’re a lady I think. And that wasn't the main topic I’m talking this time:P So, the UGG Slippers? The summer is on the way, we should got something from UGG Boots.ok ok, I understand, u’re sick of waiting. The Spring just arrive. Just a joke for the sake of making u laugh. The truth is Jordan Shoes. Don't be angry. Are u a fan of Air Jordan? I am at least. So the Nike Shoes is my favorite. There’re so many site have jordan shoes for sale cos so many people searching jordan shoes on net. And are u ready to purchase Nike Air on net? I have ordersome air jordans on different site, when will u get ur air jordans on net?
Join survey n paid dollar.. Go to this url www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=duto U will get 6 dollar and many more...answer and fill up the questions and get 1$-25$ for very survey. For more info go to www.masdoeto.blogspot.com, get more interesting info..
very pretty!!!!
i used this template for months alrdy...
i am surprised to see it here.
did uu take this design from web hosting geeks?
i kinda like it... but it messed up my heading! and i loved that! but iam gonna work on it somemore and see if i can keep it bc its so cool!! ;)
kako cu ovu podlogu staviti na svoj blog.gdje trebam ubaciti
I wish that the BG Image would continue down the page! Other then that it is a great template! I was looking for something fun, colorful, and crazy! & This template has it all!
Sip.. Template ...
truz klo mau pkai ne template gmn??
hi, i have used this template for my blog. it's quite different from 'conventional' blogspot template. its more modern, colourful but still looks elegant and catchy..
beautiful! I'm going to use it.. ;)
thank you for sharing..
hi guys...
i need some help..
when i copy n paste the code..the error come out like this..
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section.
anyone can help
buatin template dong..........
good. very awesome templates. i love this one.
this template is great......
if u r a shopping lover then you should visit my blog
I cannot use the template in my site, please guide me
It's Beautiful!
same goes. can't use on blogger.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section
what to do?
Those with issues: Be sure that you're deleting the open text at the end (the text with no < or > marks. Then you should be fine!
I don't think I'll use this one because the image doesn't run down the page and I'd have to re-do my widgets. Other than that, it's a beautiful template! Kudos to whoever designed it =]
i used it..its very nice
This is really nice but I miss that you cant see the dates of the posts? Only the time but no dates.. Im changing template because of that. Real pitty.
cara pakenya gmn..........kayak ngga jelas skaallllllleeeeeeeeeee
mp3 ........i like U
How do i download it? I want to use it on Blogger, s do i copy and paste the text into a txt file and uload that to blogger? Becasue I've tried that and I get an error message. I've also tried looking for open text at the end but i can;t find any.
Please help me. I'm a blogging rookie!!
I really LOVE the look but no one can leave me comments. Everytime you click the comments link there is no place to add a comment. :-(
i like it much
How do i put my own header in? Lovely otherwise...
I really like the look of this, but when I paste it into my 'edit html' box red text comes up and says
"We were unable to save your template
Please correct the error below and submit your template again.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure that all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in trailing section."
do you know how I can fix this?
And thankyou for posting these, they're awesome :P
I can't post it in blogspot.com Please help!
I can not get my header to center. It is way over on the left side of the design. Can you please guide me as to what to change in the HTML?
how do you change it????
i can't make it
woy tolongin gw dunk.... BUJUK dah susah amat nampilinnya. Tolong infonya di kirimin via Email di el-azh4m8.4903nx@ymail.com. tks b 4.
Trus pake bahasa Indonesia ya... jangan pake bahasa Inggris.. udah mabok tambah mabok gw
xSaimex.NET :: Downloads
i can't post it in blogspot.com....please help me..tq
very cute
very pretty template, thanks i'll be using it for my next design.
huuffff... ingin template yang gak biasa dunkk..
hi, i use this blog for quite sometimes now and kinda like it coz its very different from my friends blogs..very nice, elegant and catchy. only one issue here is that - no date for our articles except for time.
other than that - it works beautifully =P
What a great post! Do you like Silver Jewelry? I mean TiffanyXD. The answer is surely yes if u’re a lady I think. And that wasn't the main topic I’m talking this time:P So, the UGG Slippers? The summer is on the way, we should got something from UGG Boots.ok ok, I understand, u’re sick of waiting. The Spring just arrive. Just a joke for the sake of making u laugh. The truth is Jordan Shoes. Don't be angry. Are u a fan of Air Jordan? I am at least. So the Nike Shoes is my favorite. There’re so many site have jordan shoes for sale cos so many people searching jordan shoes on net. And are u ready to purchase Nike Air on net? I have ordersome air jordans on different site, when will u get ur air jordans on net?
very pretty template, thanks i'll be using it for my next design.
Just wondering if anyone had figured out how to add your own header.
It doesn't work...
It doesnt work
very fresh!!!
design is good but comment box is not working
Join survey n paid dollar.. Go to this url www.AWSurveys.com/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=duto
U will get 6 dollar and many more...answer and fill up the questions and get 1$-25$ for very survey.
For more info go to www.masdoeto.blogspot.com, get more interesting info..
it doesnot work
bagimana kasih aktif kunci yang tertutub
it doesn't work!